The following article contains instructions on creating and removing users, resetting your password, and the role-based access control user roles.
Users within your Organization can be managed via the Admin > Users screen or, if you’ve configured SAML integration, then they are managed within your Identity Provider.
Inviting a User
Every new user that signs up without an invitation gets their own Organization (Tenant). You can invite users to join your Organization so you can share the trial and deployment.
To Invite a User:
- Sign in to Exoprise
- Go to Admin > Users
- In the Send an Invitation box, enter the username of the person you would like to invite
- Choose a role for the user. Read more about Roles
- Optionally, if you’ve configured SAML integration, you can choose to have them sign up using Single Sign-on
- You can also add a user to a specific Team if you’ve created one. Read more about Teams here
The user will receive an email invitation. They must sign up via the link in the email to access your Organization. If they sign up and create their account and don’t use the link then they won’t have access to your Organization.
Remove a User
For users that are managed within the Exoprise system, you can remove them from your account by clicking on the Trash or delete icon for each user on the Users page.
Role-Based Access Control
Exoprise supports Role Based Administration and Control within your Organization. When you invite a user to join your Exoprise deployment you can assign them a role. You can also create SAML configurations that specifically place a user within a Role.
A role determines the level of access a user has to a set of resources. It can allow different levels for different resource types, for example only allowing view rights to sensors but create and delete for alarms.
The set of resources that the role applies to is either everything in the organization (for an Org Role) or a configurable subset of resources that make up a Team (for a Team Role). You can think of an Organization as a predefined Team that includes all resources and all users.
Roles have specifically defined permissions within the Exoprise platform. Here are the current roles:
Does not grant access to anything, but members can subsequently be given permissions to specific resources via teams. Any users that are just members of the Organization and aren’t placed in a team won’t be able to see any data or make any changes within the Exoprise platform.
Can only view sensors and alarms but can’t make adjustments. Viewers will be able to build their own Dashboards and Tabs but won’t be able to control anything.
Viewer rights + ability to create and edit alarms and alarm recipient groups. Operators will be able to adjust alarms, disable, and remove them.
Deployers get the same rights as an Operator but also can deploy additional sensors, edit or add sites, and edit or add sensors.
Can do anything within the Exoprise platform, including inviting additional users and teams, except billing and payments. Of course, administrators cannot give more rights to a user than they have.
Billing Manager
Can only manage billing and payments.
The Owner role is special within the Organization (Tenant) and anyone that signs up without an invitation becomes an owner of their Organization. An owner can do anything, including adjusting the billing and payment records within the system. We recommend that when prospects convert to paying customers that they keep at least two Owners within an Organization to ensure that they have access.
Changing a User Role
To change the role for a user, in the Admin > Users screen click the Edit icon (pencil), change the role, and then click the Checkbox icon at the beginning of the role to save.