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Understanding The Network Segment Analysis

Service Watch Network Segment Analysis is a newly added feature providing users with a breakdown of the network segments interacted with by an application. Available for both the Connected and Streamed Networking application metrics for Service Watch, this functionality identifies which network segment slowdowns begin to occur. With this information available, engineers can quickly rule out where the issue isn’t, reducing resolution times.

Network Segment Analysis Breakdown

Each entry in the Network Segment Analysis represents the number of hops taken, in a segment, determined by the identified networks in the trace. The line between each segment separates the trends over periods of time. Above the line is the trend for the entire selected time period, whereas the values below the line shows the total time spent in that segment.

Connected networking iconic view
Connected Networking Network Segment Analysis
Iconic View Time Spent In Segment
View Time Spent in Each Segment
Exoprise Note

Use the arrows above the Network Segment Analysis to navigate between each data point in the Network QoE.

There are several options for navigating through the different segments in the Network Segment Analysis. The arrows at the top will allow you to go to the next and previous entries. Selecting a segment from the bar graph above will also update the Network Segment Analysis. There is also an option to zoom in by click and dragging in the bar graph.

Iconic View Navigation
Network Segment Analysis Navigation

Network Segment Analysis Expanded Details

User’s can get more details into the Network Segments by selecting them. In doing so they will be presented with the segment details including ISP, Organization, ASO, and ASN along with the number of hops and time spent in that segment.

Iconic View Segment Details
Network Segment Analysis Segment Details

The option to view a breakdown of the hop-by-hop details is also available by selecting ‘Trace Details’ above the Network Segment Analysis.

Streamed Iconic View Trace Details
Switch Between Network Segment Analysis and Trace Details

Network Segment Graph

The trace information collected is also available in the Network Segment Graph widget for dashboards.

Network Segment Stacking
Network Segment Stacking

Click here for more information.

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