Widget List

Exoprise has a large number of widgets and visualizations available for display and analysis. You create or modify layouts by adding different widgets to the active layout of a personal dashboard.

There are 5 different types of widgets available:

  • Overviews
    Overview widgets are for grouping sensors together by site or type
  • Single Sensor
    Single sensors widgets are for display data about a single sensor
  • Service Watch Desktop
    Service Watch Desktop widgets are for displaying device or grouped device metric information collected by Service Watch Desktop
  • Service Watch Browser
    Service Watch Browser widgets are for displaying browser  metric information collected by Service Watch Browser
  • Feed
    Feed widgets are for displaying a scrolling list of events or message that have occurred

Overview Widgets

Metric Graph Widget for displaying discreet metrics from different sensors over configurable time periods.
Heatmap The heatmap widget is perfect for display a grid of sites and sensor types and displaying different aspects of their health. You can filter by site or sensor type, and configure how much history or alarms & errors to look at.
Solution Health Gives an overview for your tenant. Quickly see the health of sites, errors from sensors or alarm state.
Service Availability See bar graphs for the overall availability of selected services across a site. Get a high-level overview of whether a site and services are meeting their uptime SLAs
Health by Site Across all sensors for a site, you can see the alarms and errors. This widget is good for building a site specific layout.
Health by Type Across all sensors of a certain type, you can see the alarms and errors. This widget is good for building an application specific layout.
Sensor Grid The sensor grid is a powerful for widget for displaying sparklines and groups of sensors by type, site and metric types.
Map The map widget can be filtered by site and sensor type, different type periods can be examined and rolled up.
Text The text widget allows you to put text blocks within a layout.
Office 365 Usage This widget displays Office 365 usage information if you set up proper OAuth authorization. Choose from over 35 reports to display Office 365 usage alongside performance information.

Single Sensor Widgets

Trend This sensor widget is for displaying a short or long-term trend of performance
Errors This sensor widget is for displaying a short or long-term trend of errors
Alarms This sensor widget is for displaying a short or long-term trend of alarms
Availability This sensor widget is for displaying a short or long-term trend of availability for the service that a sensor is monitoring
Metric Scorecard This widget can graph a single element from a sensor over time and change the background color of the widget depending on its trend.

Feed Widgets

Alarms The alarm feed widget will display the last 30 or last 3 days of alarms for the Organization whichever is less. Click on the sensor icon to navigate to that sensor, click on the Alarm title to navigate to the alarm and click on the + icon to expand the alarm to see the text and condition which caused the alarm.
Office 365 Messages The Office 365 Messages widget displays the latest messages from your Office 365 tenant. Read more about the Office 365 Service Communications integration.
Office 365 Status The Office 365 Status widget displays the latest status updates from your Office 365 tenant. Read more about the Office 365 Service Communications integration.

Service Watch Desktop Widgets

Scorecard This widget is for displaying a performance metrics trend over periods of time for a group of devices.
Graph This widget is for graphing out a performance metrics trend over a period of time for a group of devices.
Bucket Scorecard This widget is for displaying the percentage of devices that are at what threshold for a specific metric of a group of devices.
Reliability by Groups This widget is for displaying Stability and Events such as Blue Screens, Windows Updates, and Application Crashes filtered by groups of devices.
SWD Metric Grid This widget is for visualizing desktop resource metrics and experience score of a group of devices.
UDP Grid This widget is for grouping  and sorting application path latency, jitter and packet loss across applications and groups of devices.
Device User Search This widget is for displaying information about users and can be used to search for Users, Device ISP and Device Network.

Service Watch Browser Widgets

Grid This widget is for web request performance data filtered by domain or user with client, server, and network performance breakdowns.
Scorecard This widget is for tracking the trending of single domains, users, or all requests performance over a period of time.
Graph This widget is for graphing a specific metrics of requests (domain, user, or all) over a period of time.

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